I have officially been accepted to the YWAM Atlanta Fall DTS!!!!! ahhhhh!!! yessssss!! I am so excited!!! Thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement! It really helped! You are all so awesome! Its funny how I found out actually. It was Yesterday (sunday) night. I decided to go back to my old church DSC and hear my mom sing at the ladies "chick night" since I hadnt heard her sing in awhile. I begged Rachel to drive me so I wouldn't waste my gas (hehe) and she got in the not greatest mood since she realized I was using her and she had homework to get back to. We got to church put our smiles on and surprised our mom. She was very happy :) Then we get to our seats and started arguing and fighting over something so stupid. The fight ended with "I cant WAIT to leave and get out here" typical sister fight. The theme that night for chick night just happened to be "Sisters" too. How ironic huh? So worship started and I was so not in the mood to be there anymore. I just wanted to go home. I was there supporting my mom though, and was going to stay. My mind was so not in a worship mode at the moment so I sat down and felt the urge to check my emails on my phone. Sure enough YWAM Atlanta sent me a message! I opened and read Congrats! You've been accepted to YWAM Atlanta Fall DTS! Oh man. I started crying hysterically right in the middle worship. I turned to my sister showed her my phone and she instantly started crying as well. We ran out into the lobby hugging and crying our eyes out! We immediately started apologizing to each other for earlier and now instead of "I cant wait to leave" it was "I don't wanna leave!" Haha oh life! So yes it was quite the emotional night if I do say so! I was so extremely happy though and so was my entire family! I am so excited! I have already met one of my roomates Haley Boyer, over Facebook. We have been talking all day and I already feel like were going to be great friends! She mentioned my blog in her blog so I got to give her a shout-out in my blog too of course :) http://haleybrynnboyer.blogspot.com/ :) Im so excited for what God has in store for me! I just want these next 4 weeks to fly by! Yet I want to spend time with all my friends and family as much as possible before I leave! If you're reading this, call me! I wanna hang out with you before I leave ;) Again thank you everyone for your prayers and support, its just the beginning! Love you all!
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