Sunday, August 8, 2010

My First Blog!

Hey! Soooo this is my first blog..I have never "blogged" before but I figured now would be a good time to start since in a month and a half I most likely will be leaving to go to Atlanta Georgia! So all of my friends/family can stay connected with me through this and keep me in your prayers through this exciting new season of my life! I have applied to go to Atlanta GA to be a part of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) its an organization where I go live in GA with several other young adults and we go to a Discipleship Training School! It is a 5-6 month innovative training course that challenges us young people to step up and go to new lengths in the world that we are living in and realize that God has so much in store for each one of us! Once we have completed the School we will be going on a 8-12 week missions trip! So now its a waiting game to see if I have been accepted into the program! I am praying if its God will I will be accepted because if you know me well enough, you know my heart belongs in Georgia! I am a southern belle at heart! I would be able to attend my favorite church on Sunday mornings Free Chapel with Pastor Jentezn Franklin, which is a HUGE bonus. I am so excited about what God has in store for me! So I will be blogging my life for the next few months and keeping you all updated on what has been happening with my journey from Phoenix to Georgia :)


  1. You are just way too adorable!! I hate to see you leave but are so excited to learn of all of your journies! There is nothing like being out on your own to really get to know yourself! You will have a blast. I am so excited for you!! All the best.. we love you!

  2. Aw thanks guys! :) I know I'm so excited its like my mini college experience away from home lol Miss you guys! <3 you!
