Monday, August 9, 2010

8/9/10 11:12 pm

Ok so I lied its not 11:12 its 9:30...but I am way too tired to stay up that late and I just thought it would be sweet cuz of the cool date today :P Im a nerd, I know :) lol Anyways today was a good, busy, and tiring day. Woke up this morning at 5:30 with the same thought on my mind that has been there for awhile. I love my bed. How am I going to live without it in Georgia!? Will my roommates snore? Do I still snore even tho my tonsils are out!? How early am I going to have to get up every morning? I will be living away from home for the first time ever! Will I be ok without my mom? lol My mind never stops thinking about Georgia and all the new exciting, yet kinda scary changes coming my way. Its funny how God works sometimes though, example: this morning driving to work. As some of you know I dislike K-love and Air One very much. Recently though Air One has been growing on me. Finally some good NEW up beat fun christian songs are out. Its about time! YAY! So since the radio and commercials get old and I only have a 3 minute commute to work I play Air One now. No commercials and good uplifting songs to start my day out right, why not!?  So while I was driving to work they were talking about fear and overcoming it. Funny because Pastor Maiden talked about that yesterday at church too! So I looked up some verses on Fear and this one stands out and I have decided its my theme verse for the week:

Duetermony 31:8 "It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

Ahhhh so refreshing! God WILL be with me through everything! HE wont leave me OR forsake me! I already feel better haha! Im going to not worry about anything these next few weeks and just enjoy being in this awful heat and cast all my fears to God about being away from home for 6 months and know everything is going to be ok :)

Ive enjoyed talking, txting, and FB messaging a bunch of you guys today about my upcoming adventure! Everyone is so excited for me and it helps a ton! Thank you everyone for your wonderful support! Its greatly appreciated! :) Feel free to comment below too! I will reply! I love you all! <3 Ok well Im off to bed. Went back to the gym today for the first time in about a month, no thanks to my tonsils being removed and vacations keeping me away. Im DEAD tired, and I wont be able to move tomorrow haha! Nightttt


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