Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Whew am I sore! I can barely move my legs today. I just have to think though..its so worth it! Keep working out, breaking down my muscles then building them back up, and in no time I will be back into my regular shape. Then when I work out it, it will get to a point where it wont hurt as bad anymore! Yay! haha  I think when I go to Georgia I am going to be in the same situation yet not with my muscles but with my Spiritual life. I think God is going to stretch me in ways I have never been stretched before. Like when we have outreach days, I will have to be going up to people I don't know and praying for them and talking to them about Jesus. Otherwise known as stepping out of my box. Im not saying I have never done anything like this before because I have been on previous missions trips and I have talked to people about my faith before, but I dont think I have really done anything before like what Im going to be doing with YWAM and Im excited about it! Im going to be stretching my spiritual walk with the Lord and its going to be uncomfortable or "sore" the first few times I stepped out of my box or "get back into the gym" and Ive got to keep on stretching my "muscles" or spiritual walk with the Lord in order for me to be comfortable with it and be in perfect shape for my spiritual walk  :)


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