Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Less Than A Week

I havent blogged in awhile so I figured I would tonight :) I have less than a week till I start my journey out to GA! I am so ready to go! I have pretty much have everything I need all ready to go! All I need left is a suitcase, which might be important;) lol and of course do last minute laundry, then pack it all up in my car and head out! I feel like I have been waiting for this trip forever, although its only been 2 months! It has FLOWN by! I have been able to hang out with all my friends so much these past few weeks and have got so much support from all my friends and family. Thank you guys so much. I will miss you all so incredibly much! As of right now the internet is down at the base so I will have my phone to contact you all through txting, calls and facebook but skype will have to be put on hold until the internet is up working again. Or if I go to a starbucks with free wi-fi :) I have already had to say a few goodbyes which were hard, but I know that the hardest goodbyes are yet to come. :( I am having a little goodbye party tomorrow (thursday sept 16th) at Jumpstreet! So if you want feel free to come! Ok well I am off to go spend some time with my wonderful mother <3 I will try and keep everyone updated as soon as possible. <3 you all!

Jeremiah 29:11
<3 Jessica

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