Hey Ya'll ;) After a 3 day road trip with my wonderful mom across the country I finally made it to Georgia! Im officially a Georgia Peach! The road trip over here was quite exciting! The first 2 days of driving were a bit scary. Me and my mom took turns driving through POURING rain! Rain we never get in Arizona! It was scary, and at some points passing by the huge semi trucks we couldn't even see the road! We definitely were praying hardcore God would bring the sun out and no more rain! (Even though I secretly didn't want the rain to go away because I love it so much) On Friday though the sun came out in the afternoon just in time for us to tour Graceland in Memphis Tennessee and that was very cool! On Saturday morning we drove to the YWAM base and I met a few of my roommates, met the leaders, and set up my room. The house I am staying in is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Its pretty much a typical huge Georgia house and the neighborhood it is in is surrounded by even more huge, beautiful Georgia houses! I will be sharing a room with 11 other girls. The room is HUGE and we all have plenty of space, but I will have to get used to "community" living. I am so excited! Its like a my mini college experience but better! After me and my mom set up my "room" we headed out and had lunch with one of my roommates Haley Boyer and her mother at none other than my favorite..Chik Fil A :) They seriously have one on every corner. Its AWESOME to say the least ;) They also have 2 huge wonderful malls near the base which is also awesome, but for my dads sake- only for window shopping of course, no spending real money ;) tehee! Also I am in Bulldog heaven! EVERYONE has SO much school spirit here! Walmart had SO much Georgia Bulldog gear it was crazy! Arizona walmarts have NO ASU stuff compared to GA! The South really is DIFFERENT than the west coast! Its CRAZY! I love it! Me and my car with my Georgia "G" on the back will fit in perfectly here. I even bought some Georgia Bulldog silly bandz! Gotta represent the college I always wanted to go to! Hahaha :D This morning, Sunday morning, (Its pouring, yet again, and I love it) we went to our favorite church, Free Chapel! Pastor Jentezen wasn't there this morning but another guest speaker, Philip Cameron spoke and he was simply amazing. I am starting to feel so at home. Everything has been going perfect so far and I can really feel that God has me here for a reason and its going to be alright and it is part of his will for me. My classes start Monday (tomorrow) and its all an orientation week. So I will be finding out more information as the week goes on. I don't have much of an internet connection at the base, so I will try and blog as much as I can during free time when I can drive up to a Wi-fi place and watch Glee & Greys Anatomy too ;) Thank you Jesus I have an iphone and can still txt and facebook you all though :) I love and miss you all so much already!
<3 Jessica
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