What an amazing God we serve! Things have been so awesome here in Chile! God has been moving in incredible ways! This past week we worked with a local church going out around the churches neighborhood and evangelizing with the youth of the church. The youth group only consisted of about 10 kids because the church is so small. It was hard to connect with the kids at first because of the language barrier but by the 2nd and 3rd day we all were learning each others languages, laughing, and having tons of fun! They were such cool kids. Of course were all friends on facebook now! Haha! The first day we learned a bunch of dramas, short skits, and how to play the drums. The rest of the week, everyday we started it out praying with the whole team, worship, and intercession. Then after lunch we would get out the drums and go play around the neighborhood to get peoples attention to come watch us. Then what they called their "plaza" which was a playground/ park area we would do our dramas for the people and tell our testimonies and short sermons. Then afterwards pray with them and invite them to the church service we would put on at the church that night. Then we would go back to the church, eat dinner and have church! We had 4 services counting all week. That was our schedule pretty much everyday. We would be at the church from 9 in the morning till 10 at night most days. It was long and tiring yet so fun at the same time! A lot of the people we ministered to during the day showed up at night and it was always exciting to see them show up. One night one of the sweet ladies at the church had some beautiful jewelry on and I complimented her on it. In their culture apparently, if you comment on something, they take it off and give it to you! So she took off her ring and gave it to me!! I kept telling her no and shoving it away, I couldn't take it! She kept speaking in Spanish so I had no idea what she was saying but she wouldn't let me not accept it!! It is such a pretty ring and she said it was nothing to her and she wanted me to have it. I was so blessed! Ive never said gracias so much! Haha such a sweet lady! Sure enough the next night she showed up with more beautiful jewelry on and I made sure I didn't compliment her, but felt better that I hadn't taken her only piece of nice jewelry! Haha! One of the days during our worship time some people snuck into the back of the church very quietly and then we looked back and who did we see?! Fellow Americans! Some pastors from the US had come over to help plant a church in Chile and stopped by! It was nice to communicate with them, and in English! Haha I got to talk to one of the Pastors, Pastor Randy Hunt, and found out he lived in Arizona for 2 years! He also was the youth pastor at Grace Community!! I was like Ahhh! That was my grade school!! He recognized my moms name and we couldn't believe what a small world it is! It was a crazy cool moment when that happened! By the end of the week we were very tan, and worn out but it was an amazing week and God moved in the people we ministered to! 4 church services in 7 days! Whew! Our last service lasted 4 hours! It was intense! Yet awesome! We have 2 weeks left here in Chile then back to America! We did our laundry today and we had to hang them on a clothesline to dry! Def made us appreciate our dryers!! It's the little things in life we've got to appreciate! Hope all is well back at home! Shout out to the Valley Cheerleaders this weekend! Good luck at state! Go Trojans! Wish I could be there! Love and miss you all!
Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11

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